Morning | Routine

05 March 2018

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These past few weeks, I've been training myself to wake up early. By early I mean, 5 o'clock in the morning. 5AM! 

I've been watching too much youtubers where they did something like "my morning routine", "how I wake up at 5AM every morning", and "why I wake up early" kinda stuff. So I thought to myself, why haven't I done this before? Islam has actually taught us all of this wayyy earlier. Allah asks us to wake up early to pray tahajjud, and to have our time before fajr. All great and successful people in this world wake up early in the morning, especially our beloved Rasullulah s.a.w. To be one of the great and successful people, the first step is to wake up early.

Why I want to start waking up early?

I love my me-time. Waking up early gives me ample time to do my own stuff, to be more productive  and focus, and to just chill.

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Productivity and Organization | March Challenge

02 March 2018

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It's already March! This month, I've decided to be more productive and organize. Here's my list! 

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