Happy 2nd Anniversary!

30 September 2018

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Second year of being #lawyered! One of the proudest moment of mine. Glad I was able to finish everything. Second year of being a conveyancing lawyer, I honestly enjoy every moment of it. I can't wait to grow more career wise. Can't wait to be Syarie lawyer and have my own legal firm.  
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#1 Family | Gratitude Journal 🌠

28 September 2018

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Salam lovelies.
You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them.
I rarely post anything with regards to my family in my social medias. But when I do post, it's because there are events happening such as raya, my convocation, my long call, aqiqah, kenduri, family member's birthday or holiday. I rarely post any appreciation post (because they will definitely 'bahan' me later). I sometimes post pictures of my nieces and nephews (babies) and random conversation with my parents or siblings. But that doesn't mean I don't appreciate them or love them any less. In fact, I'm close with my family. I'm the annoying-spoil-manja adik, baby of the family, the Mommy Lia to my babies. I barely have any secrets with them. (Except for twitter and this blog! Haha) I ask my parents, siblings and babies to hug and kiss me like literally everyday. Tho Hanis rebel when I kiss her nowadays. Hello you only 3 years old. How could you?

My family is not that "alim ulama" or "ustaz ustazah" kinda family, but alhamdulillah my parents did not fail to provide us with the sufficient ilmu agama since we were young and always monitor us from time to time (Read as : bebel). I'm grateful that my parents always trying their best to educate us and remind us even when we are now adults.

Happy family is when we all can joke around and make fun of each other literally everyday. Sometimes we fight and argue. But most of the time we laugh together.

And they understand me the best. How pemalas I am, how I always minta urut after I go hiking or marathon, how I always bodek when I want something, how I always take everyone's things and used it like my own, how I can never eat panadol, how I tak boleh duduk diam weekend ada je aktiviti, how I love travels and gadgets, how degil I am, how passionate I am to do creative stuff such as take videos and pictures and organize any events for them, how pemarah I am, how spoil I am but still love me regardless.

I always believe that if I want a good relationship with anyone, friends, husband, boss, clique and everyone, I should always start with my own family first. After all, family was there since the very beginning. I pray that I always have time for my family even when I moved from home later. Secretly, I always grateful for my family. πŸ’™

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Pad Man, Next Gen and A Christmas Prince | Netflix Reviews

26 September 2018

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Surprisingly, I didn't watch any movie in cinema in September! πŸ˜‚ Probably because there is no suitable movie for this preggy mommy. I can't watch Munafik 2, One To Jaga, and Paskal even thought I really wanted to. 😒 (To be watch after my pantang days)

Anyway, I watched some good movies on Netflix.

Watched this movie with my husband. It's so inspiring and mind opening! Glad that I watch this with B cause he was so shy about pad before this if I asked him to grab one for me in the store. I'm gonna ask him to buy me pad from now on, and it's nothing to be ashamed of! πŸ˜‚

πŸŽ₯Cinematography : India is so beautiful, I want to visit India one day. 😍

πŸ‘₯Acting : Akshay Kumar is good actor. I'm sure I've since him before but I'm not sure which movie. Bollywood actors and actress will never disappoint us.

🎡OST : They have a lot of songs obviously. It's Bollywood movie. But nothing really gives impact to me.

🎒Plot : Based on true story! It was so good. It was inspiring!

🌠Moral of the story : A well-meaning film that tackles taboo issues, about women and their bodies and seeks to normalize conversations that are unnecessarily stigmatized. It's an engrossing and important subject, which was raised by a man who challenged patriarchal taboos with a determination that many men all over the progressive world might shrink from even now.

🌠Total Star : 🌟🌟🌟🌟

Watched this with B but he ended up doze off after a few minutes. πŸ™„

🎒Plot : Quiet interesting! πŸ‘ This is a fantastic movie which I greatly enjoyed as an adult. Well, I love kids movie at the first place. I believe it should be great for kids too! But it has an emotional maturity to it that might make it difficult for audiences that are too young. 

πŸŽ₯Animation : πŸŒŸπŸŒŸπŸŒŸπŸŒŸ Futuristic! πŸ‘πŸ‘ The climatic fight scene is one of the coolest animation scenes ever, especially with the powerful music soaring along with the robots in the city skies.

🌠Values : πŸŒŸπŸŒŸπŸŒŸπŸŒŸ Next Gen dips its toes into themes of not only friendship and family, but also sadness, loneliness, and bullying. 

🌠Total Star : 🌟🌟🌟🌟

Watched this with B, of course he fell asleep half way through the movie! He usually doze off when it comes to my movie, especially a romantic comedy kind of movie. πŸ˜‚ Biasa dia! But I always doze off when it comes to his movie too. πŸ˜‚

🎒Plot : πŸŒŸπŸŒŸπŸŒŸ It was expected but still good. I love it! I always have this giggly kinda feelings every time I watch this kind of movie. πŸ˜‚

🌠Total Star : 🌟🌟🌟

What movie should I watch next month. πŸ€”
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Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia 🎨

21 September 2018

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Salam everyone!

I love museum date! Since last weekend we have a long holidays, (Hari Keputeraan YDP + Awal Muharam), B and I decided to go somewhere around Kuala Lumpur. I always wanted to try to go to Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia since I saw Asma's instagram post. So yeah, we went there.



1. Architecture Gallery 

2. Quran & Manuscript Gallery 

3. India Gallery 

4. China Gallery 

5. Malay Gallery 


6. Textile Gallery 

7. Jewellery Gallery 

8. Arms & Armour Gallery 

9. Coin Gallery 

10. Metal Gallery 

11. Wood Gallery 

12. Ceramics Gallery

Isn't the place so spacious and nice. I'm loving it! πŸ’™ It took us 3 and half hours in here, cause you know, I walk like a penguin now. πŸ˜‚

I super love my TudungPeople πŸ’™
So spacious! Should bring a wheelchair.
Thank you for the bench.


Museum Galleries & Shop

Monday to Sunday      10AM - 6PM
Public Holidays           10AM - 6PM

Museum Restaurant 

Tuesday to Sunday       10AM - 5PM

**Starting from 1st November 2017, museum's new business hours will be: 9.30AM - 6PM daily


Adults - RM14.00

Students (with ID) - RM7

Senior Citizens (Malaysian 55 and over) - RM7

Children (6 and under) - FREE

Tickets are charged at RM12 & RM6 respectively when the Special Galleries are closed.

They have so many interesting activities every weekend! Checkout their website for more information.

🎨 Websites //
Go and visit the museum now! One of the best and details Islamic Museum I've ever been. The entrance fee is not that expensive. Worth it! Support your local museum. Learn and take care of our history. πŸ’™

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7 Things I Learned Recently πŸ‘“

19 September 2018

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Salam hye guys!

Inspired by Lavendaire's video below, I realize that I've learned so much in the past 9 months or so. I didn't mean skills or life lessons, but more to knowledge and building habits.

"We don't realize how much we've learned until we actually think about it."

1. Journaling

When I think about it, I have been journaling since I was in primary school. I wrote, scribbled and doodled so much in my note books. I didn't realize that I was actually journaling. I discover the term bullet journal last year, and started to learn different kind of journals. Now I have a planner, gratitude journal, letters journal, pregnancy journal, collection journal, self-journal, morning journal and prayers journal which I categorize into different category so that my mind is much more clearer and organize. Since I like organizing, I even schedule different journals for each days. #kiasu

2. Decluttering,  Organizing and Minimalism

My life has been more simpler when I started to declutter my things. Since I started to get married, I've been decluttered my clothes to give some space for my husband's clothes. That was before I knew what declutter is. Then, I started to declutter my things at my office, my car, and my room. I used to collect all this random stuff such as plastic bags and pamphlets. I'm also someone who value sentimental things so I keep all mementos and papers. Now, I started to clean up and tidy up my things to give space for new things and the only things that makes me happy.

3. Self-care 

I just realize the importance of self-care. How funny after living for 26 years, I never really heard about self-care before. Maybe I heard but I didn't take it seriously? This year, I'm all about self-care and building habits that give benefits to myself. Plus, the self-care awareness and metal health awareness have been really highlighted by our medias and organizations this year. Self-care can be as simple as having a skincare routine everyday.

4. Skincare

Thanks to Iman Abdul Rahim, I started to realize that I need to take care of my skin better. It's been almost 3 months since I started have my skincare routine and rarely miss it!

5. The Power of Doa

Alhamdulillah, I knew the power of Doa since about 4 years ago. But recently, I learned more through this online course by School of Deen

6. Pregnancy Journey

New phase of my life means new knowledge to be learn. This pregnancy, I try to go with the flow as much as I can. Alhamdulillah baby is so nice and behave! I try to read as much as I can from the internet, go to maternity class and make my own pregnancy journal.

7. Financial

I am someone who spends a lot when I was studying. But since I work and rely on my own money, I've become so stingy with myself. I started to learn on budget and savings. I no longer spends for unnecessary stuff or entertainment and I even think twice if I want to spend my money on food. Now I wish to learn more on investment.

I am not exactly where I want to be yet. But I know I'm on the right track. Life is a journey. It is a non-stop process. Create your habits to become the person you want to be.

Till then, bye!

Love and luck,
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Royal Floria Putrajaya 2018 🌸

14 September 2018

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Salam. Hye guys!

So this year is actually my first time going to Floria. πŸŒΈ  I don't know why I haven't been to one before. I love flowers since I got one from my parents during my first convocation day.

It was so random that weekend, my husband and I wanted to go out but we don't know where. And then he remember about Floria, and ask me whether I want to go or not. I knew about Floria before he asked me, but I don't really bother about it before. #guilty It was super fun but tired for this 7 months pregnant lady over here. I should bring Mak's wheelchair hehe And we forgot to bring an umbrella! It was burning hot! Everything was instaworthy background!

I joined the video and photo contest this year! #floria10years #floriashareyourmoment Took a lot of pictures and videos, eventhough I walk like a penguin now πŸ˜‚ It was enjoyable date with my husband. πŸ’™  I used to pray to God, "Ya Allah, give me a husband who likes to take picture and video of me." And God give me someone who LOVES to take my pictures and videos of me, which sometimes I feel like too much, please stop taking my videos, I'm tired. πŸ˜‚

Unfortunately, it's not my luck this year. But I love the winner video! So I'm okay with that. Thank God they chose the winner properly. Better luck next time to me! Check out my video below. πŸŽ₯

🌸 Royal Floria Putrajaya 2018
 Anjung Floria, Precinct 4, Putrajaya Malaysia
 25th August - 2nd September 2018
 9:00am -10:30pm (Mon- Thurs)
 9:00am- 12:00am (Fri-Sat)

Royal FLORIA Putrajaya is a festival of flowers and gardens organised by PPj since 2007. Due to the overwhelming response from visitors, it became an annual event since 2009. The festival showcases commercial products from the horticulture and landscape industry, show gardens, floral design and floristry demonstrations as well as flower shows from local and international participants, where all the attractions are presented in a garden setting.

I can't wait to catch the next round of Floria Putrajaya! InsyaAllah with my baby πŸ’™ I'll make sure to be fully prepared with my fully charged stabilizer and phone that time!

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30 Things to Do Before I Turn 30

12 September 2018

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Turning 30 sure is a big thing. Just like how I turned from -teens to -ty. I'm going to be 3 decades old in like 3 more years. I'm supposed to have finally figured out what I want to do with my life, settled down and have a beautiful family and life. Am I? InsyaAllah, amin. 

I did a journaling prompt and exercise called Vivid Vision before I made this list. If you don't know what Vivid Vision is, please do check out Lavendaire : Vivid Vision Exercise To Plan Your Dream Life. This list is just the shorter version of my Vivid Vision. In my Vivid Vision, I went more deeper with my feelings and relationships etc. I have more than 30 list, but I have to cut it short. These are the most basic things I want to achieve by 30. We'll see what will happen 3 years from now on. I categorized them into several categories. So here are my lists!

A. Health & Habits

1. Start looking after my diet - Cook my own meal & juicing.

2. Get involved in a fitness regime - Find my "thing" in exercise. Do it 5 times a week.

3. Take care of my skin.

4. Try a new sport - swimming, horse riding, archery.

5. Train for a marathon.

6. Learn martial art.

B. Career

7. Start up my own legal firm - Conveyancing & Shariah matter.

C. Creativity & Personal Growth

8. Have an active youtube channel!

9. Have a domain blog - Blog consistently.

10. Have my own podcast series.

11. Write children's, teenager's, self-help and poetry books.

12. Create my own journal or planner and publish.

13. Submit an article or essay into a magazine and newspaper.

14. Take cooking and baking classes - learn how to cook my favourite dish.

15. Give motivational or inspiring talk.

16. Learn to play an instrument.

17. Learn photoshop, light room, premiere pro and some DIY.

18. Learn foreign language - Korean, Mandarin and Arab.

19. Make a reading list.

20. Get educated - Take a class to learn a new skill. Invest in myself and my knowledge.

D. Money & Possessions

21. Be financially independent, strong, secured and freedom - Get my finance in order, learn to budget. Know how to manage my money.

22. Have savings and investment.

23. Have a blue mini cooper.

24. Wear brand that I love especially locals - wear more colours and try all kind of fashions until I found my own style.

25. Have a beautifully designed home with shades of blue, English and minimalist concept.

E. Adventure & Travel

26. Travel every year.

27. Go on a girls only trip.

28. Go to Haji.

29. Cross my bucketlist.

30. Pick a cause to volunteer and be passionate about it.

Pray that I'm able to do all of these! Amin.

Pray and love,
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Aida Azlin | KL Meetup

07 September 2018

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Assalamualaikum everyone!

I'm excited! I can't believe I've met Aida Azlin in real life! Eeep! *fangirlingmoodon* πŸ’™

I went to the meetup with Zahidah. She was super excited about it when I first told her about the event. To be honest, I never go to any meetup before, so I'm not sure how the meetup works.

My groupmates. πŸ’™
So we went there, alhamdulillah on time. And all the ladies are so friendly and I can already feel the positive vibes all around the cafe when I first entered the cafe. The cafe was super nice and hommy by the way, I wish there's one near my home. It was very enjoyable, comfy, and positive vibes all around the cafe. I really love the meetup, it's actually my first time being in any meetup. I didn't know we're going to talk among each other more. I was expecting to listen to Aida more. Anyway, I super love it and I gained a lot of new knowledge, friends and positivity. It was overall a good experience.

Here is Aida, talking about how tired she was, but it's all worth it after seeing all of us. Cue "awww".
I feel like she is the same person as she is in the video. Aida is so compose, I don't know how she do it. She is so positive, friendly, compose, calm. I really admire her. I wish to be as compose and friendly like her.
Look how excited I was. At the end of the meetup, everyone was lining up to take pictures with her. I was shocked when she called my name, but then I remembered something, we all have nametags. Haha It was heart warming when she called my name. I feel so belongs. We could totally be friend! πŸ’™
Zahidah and I with Aida. All smiley. πŸ’™
Things I wish I could do that day : Tell Aida how much she means to me, how her works really helps me, how her Tuesday Love Letter keep me going every week, how her videos inspired me to make own videos too, how she inspired me to be the best version of myself, and to give her a warm big hug just like this auntie did. But being the typical me, I froze and just, "Hye, can I take picture with you?" πŸ™„
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Tanah Akhirku | Teater @ Istana Budaya

05 September 2018

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Last Friday, which was on Merdeka day, my husband and I went to this  show at Istana Budaya titled "Tanah Akhirku". Thank you to UNMC Literature and Drama Society for the free tickets! They were so nice trying to book the tickets for us even when it was fully booked on other dates. We had fun! And which Malaysian doesn't like free tickets? πŸ˜‚

We honestly thought that the tickets were for the 2nd floor since they were the cheapest ticket (RM40), but to our surprise, we were seated at the stalls, which is very near to the stage and at the very center! Imagine how excited we were when we first seated at the hall. πŸ˜‚ I've never seated that close and center like that before at Istana Budaya.

Anyway, I love all the actor and actress in the play. They were so good! Aerel Zafrel wasn't supposed to be at the center of the poster tho, he is not the main character to this story, Lim Mei Fen was. You go girl! Girl power. 

The storyline was okay. Chinese  60% was in Mandarin, but they provided subtitle on the screen. But to be honest, there were nothing special or impactfull to the show. I was expecting more on the creativity part. The stage was okay but not that grand or beautiful. The sound effect was too loud.
"Tanah Akhirku" is a merdeka theatre about unity and patriotism, set against the backdrop of a Chinese tin mining community in Nanyang. In Nanyang, the coolies from China and India are being exploited to make money for the British colonists while the local Malay royalties who defend the interest of native Malays too suffer from "power grab" by the British. Oppressed under the "divide and rule" tactic of the cunning British colonist, the people of different backgrounds who speak different languages put aside their differences, prioritize harmony to win against racism, injustice and dominance of corrupted power. It shows different ethnic struggles in Malaya during British colonists and how they struggle to show that national spirit should be given more attention than racial ties to maintain harmony in Malaya and to defend their fate from foreign powers.
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