What Kind of Legacy Are You Leaving the World? 🌟

13 February 2019

Hye guys!

To be honest, I've been avoiding this topic for quite sometimes. Thinking about legacy makes me scared. It means I have to think about death. What will happened after I die?

But then, after doing some research (I mean Googling), this one particular post makes me realized that thinking about legacy it is not about death, it is really about life and living.  

That said, this article is not about death. Although thinking about our legacy may remind us of death, it is really about life and living. It is about putting our life into perspective—making conscious choices about the kind of life we want to live and the legacy we wish to leave behind. HERE
So I want to ask you to join me doing this exercise. Write it up somewhere, in your journal, blog or even phone. Knowing what kind of legacy you want to leave behind is actually the backward ways to know what is the purpose of life. My answers are kinda private, I might share it later, but not now.

💡 Journal Prompt & Exercises:
  1. Make a list of morals, values, and beliefs that have been important to you throughout your life. 
  2. What have you dreamed of doing that you didn’t do yet? 
  3. What of your perceptions, knowledge, experience, positive impact and wisdom would you leave as a gift for others? For your children, grandchildren, or best friends? 
  4. What do my family members and close friends think of me and what will they remember most about me? 
  5. How would you like to remember your Self?

Whatever it is, I pray that I die in good, and everyone will remember the good things about me.

Till then, xoxo

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