10 Things I'd Tell My Teenage Self

24 April 2019

  1. Explore. Don't be afraid to try everything you want to try. Go outside. Explore and experiment more. Learn new skills.
  2. Live in the moment. Don't worry too much about your past or your future.
  3. Life is more than looking for the perfect "romantic" love. Focus on yourself first. Your true love will come when you are ready.
  4. You are your own worst critic.
  5. Your heart will get broken — but it will heal, too.
  6. Be kind to everyone.
  7. Read more books.
  8. Live a healthier lifestyle. Eat moderately, exercise regularly.
  9. Stop wishing away time so things you want to happen will “hurry up.” There will be a time, sooner than you know, when you’ll want to set the clock back
  10. “Everything happens for a reason.” Really, it does.

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