KonMari Part 1 | Monthly Challenge

01 May 2019

Salam and hye guys!

I'm back and ready to roll (my sleeves) for this month challenge! It's been awhile since I really wanted to declutter and reorganize my space. So I guess this is finally it! Super excited! Who else got excited to declutter and organize their stuffs? I'm sure I'm not the only one 😂 Btw, I just bought the The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying by Marie Kondo and I'm doing this project while reading it.

I've already started the process which I recorded it in my twitter. Let me just recap a little bit.

Marie Kondo day 1. Starting to regret my life decision... Send help. Why am I doing this to myself?

2nd day, trying to discard which one sparks joy. But everything sparks joy to me how? 

Day 3, this is getting depressing... 

Day 4 guys, letting go is hard... 💔 

 I would like to believe that I am 35% done with my clothes 🎉 

Day 5, everything deserve a second chance, including my clothes.

The beginning of the process was very hard. I get overwhelmed with the amount of clothes I actually accumulated over the years. I am a hoarder, so I kinda kept some of the clothes that I have since I was a kid. To be honest, I decluttered some of my clothes during last Ramadan too. It's hard for me to let everything go at the same time, so I think I might have to follow my own phase. Don't judge. I know that I was supposed to get rid everything that doesn't spark joy anymore. But some clothes are in between spark joy and no longer spark joy, and the condition of the clothes are still good!

I'm selling some of my clothes at Carousell and I'll donate the rest to any charity organization that might benefits from it. Still looking for one.

Anyway, Marie Kondo says that you should sort your belongings into five categories. These help you to sort through your possessions and start discarding things that you don’t need. Having the different categories helps to make your decluttering task a bit less overwhelming.

The five categories are: 

  1. Clothing 
  2. Books 
  3. Paper 
  4. Misc 
  5. Mementos 

So, I'm just going to focus on the first category which is clothing.

Subcategories for clothing: 

  1. Tops
  2. Bottoms
  3. Clothes that should be hung
  4. Socks/tights 
  5. Underwear 
  6. Bags 
  7. Accessories 
  8. Special event clothing (e.g., swimwear, uniforms) 
  9. Shoes 
  10. Extra for me : Scarves/ Hijab/ Tudung

I'm gonna update my progress from time to time. This will not by one month challenge, maybe 3 months. I hope I will not exceed 3 months! Praying that I can finish everything as soon as possible. Wish me luck!

To organize and clean space,

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